The Last Chance to Apoc at Standard Worlds (54th place)

mo0man 605

Hello! I'm Terence! If you've talked to me at all you know I love to Apocalypse. Here's proof image

(Shoutout to Monde whose signature I accidentally covered up in the picture, and also the 2 other people who I can't figure out who they were now.) Edit: one of them is JayPumpkin

I could maybe talk a little about the deck and how it performed here, which is to say that it did ok, but not as well as I was hoping. I dropped Pinhole Threading for Deuces Wild, which was great until I faced Kysra and the loki Ag in the 241 to make the cut, and the 46th card Imp was Boss throughout the day, and I felt weirdly comfortable against SPORTS which I would have said is the weakest matchup for the deck.

I'll now use the rest of this space to talk about APOC and other things, so if you only care about the deck you can stop here if you'd like.

I'm not super good at the smaltz, so instead of talking about how much I love the netrunner community and how I'm unable to be articulate about that kind of thing, I'll just tell my favourite netrunner story:

The setting: Mopus, 2018. I'm not sure how long the average player nowadays has been playing, but at the time it did feel a little bit like the end of the (netrunner) world. There were rumors of a #future, but that future was in no way certain. I was really hoping to do well, so you can know based on every rule of storytelling that I did not. The evening after day 1, me and a bunch of other people who scrubbed out and therefore didn't have to do prep for day 2 went to a pizza place to commiserate and get slightly drunk. There, I heard the story I repeat over and over to this day.

This story comes from, Noah from Jinteki (like the main dev of jinteki). He faces off against the Hero of the story, whose name hasn't been lost to time, but I choose not to remember because it's more dramatic for him to be a nameless hero. He is a local, who decides his first ever tournament should be the final worlds at Fantasy Flight Games. The two are are facing off in the last non-tiebreaker round. Whoever wins the next two games will get up into the next rung of prizes, so there's a lot at stake. Noah Corps first, and eventually gets a locked down remote with the winning agenda in it.

Our hero, knowing he can't get into the remote, pokes HQ, misses. Checks the top of R&D, gets nothing. Then... runs Archives. And then plays Apocalypse. THEN. He concedes the game. And immediately concedes his Corp game too. "Why?" Asked Noah. "Why would you do this?"

The answer? "I didn't come here to win games, I came here to Apocalypse"

Anyway, if you come back to toronto for a regionals or something hit me up and I'll bring you to Karaoke, especially if I promised you I'd bring you to Karaoke this weekend but was too tired.

12 Oct 2022 formerteen

thank you for teaching the rest of us the way of the apocalypse