Data Leak Economy Denial - Reina Roja

iGniGhted 7

A Deck i threw together, that works brilliantly. Any advice would be appreciated. It has an amazing amount of econ denial, and since i've got it to this point i won 10 straight games with it. Playing online usually results in a rage quit, and a friend of mine said this deck is the work of the devil.

27 Aug 2015 thesm17

Here's my tip: figure out a way to use the rest of your influence. You've got three left, and you could get something really helpful with that.

27 Aug 2015 konradh

I think you should put more card draw. In the game against me you clicked for cards so many times, now I know why! Some Street Peddler could speed the things up.

Wantons are nice, but I'm not sure all three are that good, and since you invest so many deck slots into DLR combo, maybe you could ditch Keyhole all together.

And Faust instead of Knight could bring more reliable remote pressure.

I think I made two main mistakes in our game: not trashing the first ICE Rook was hosted on (which costed me 6 creds) and putting that lone Vitruvius into archives for free sixth point for you. But to be honest, this is one of the most "unfun" archetype in Netrunner, so I wasn't really planning on winning hehe

tldr: cut the fat to 45 cards, so the deck is more reliable, invest last 3 points of influence for Levy AR Lab Access and Adjusted Chronotype + Wyldside draw combo.

27 Aug 2015 Crusader

Turing and Swordmen Kills u