Deal With The Devil v8

ChrisBartho 3


Starting on jnet was terrifying, as a runner, I never had a clear strategy, was worried about faceplanting into sentries, scared of running in general. Like a lot of new players I chose "solitaire decks", lost and lost again. I wanted a runner I could throw myself into, that I could refine a deck with and which would in turn, refine me.

I think this is as far as I can take Adam - it's definitely no PPvP Kate or DumbleFork but it's fun to play - for me that's more important ;)

Main Synergy: Always Be Running is the heart of this deck, allowing lots of early, hard runs - hitting HQ as much as possible and feeding agendas into the console. Brain Chip is (predictably) the brains of this deck, essentially allowing huge hand sizes for mad Faust runs in the mid/late game.

General Strategy:

First 4-6 turns, run at HQ occasionally hitting R&D, especially if you can find an RDI. Ideally you want to be 4 points up. Now take your foot off the gas, get D4vid, Faust and E3 up with as much drip econ as possible. Pedal to the metal everywhere FTW. It's not subtle or pretty, but it can get the job done.


All Seeing Eye is HORRIBLE, early game you're unlikely to have an econ advantage so plan for the worst from NBN.

Turn 2 Scorch. It happens.

Jinteki - Adam promotes recklessness, Jinteki punishes it. Mulligan for Dr. Lovegood. Switch mindsets, this won't be a turn 5 win.

Odd Card Choices:

25 inf, is obviously a massive limitation so having to run some less than optimal cards is a must.

Uninstall: just for D4vid recursion, a life-saver in Weyland Glacier matchups

Ghost Runner: saves your econ when Neutralize All Threats wants to keep you poor. Also great with e3 Feedback Implants

Infiltration: mainly 2c for a click, occasionally a useful effect, especially in Jinteki matchups when you need a safe run.

Same Old Thing: allows me not to worry about having only 1 Levy AR Lab Access

The Personal Touch: just generally for 5str ice I don't want to spend D4vid counters on.

7 May 2016 mawa

FYI, requires that you pack your directives into your Adam deck. netrunnerdb and the rules in general do not.

Also, bad news: Neutralize All Threats charges Ghost Runner credits according to FFG. It's because in Netrunner, effects must be resolved if possible.

7 May 2016 ChrisBartho

@RubbishyUsername Ah yes, you're right, my bad.

With Neutralize All Threats, yes, sorry, what I meant was it gives you credits to spend on trashing separate from your credit pool. I've found this useful when unexpectedly hitting a trash-able asset, but wanting to preserve my credit pool for installing/playing events.

7 May 2016 mawa

Isn't that equivalent to paying 1 to get 3 actual credits?