Longinus 1.0

Dydra 2805

This is a deck that I'm currently playing. Undefeated so far.

The deck name is totally taken from Evangelion. Don't know why, just felt like it I guess.

The main mechanics of this deck are two:

  • Abuse Breaker Bay Grid + The Root/ Adonis flip so you can print money like crazy.

What this means is that you either rezz The Root for 1c with Breaker Bay Grid and then at the start of your turn you take it with the ID ability so you net +5c. In other words - Sustainable Restructure. The other option is to rezz Adonis for free, receive 3c at the start of your turn and then pick it up with the ID for a net total of 7c. In other words - like nothing before.

The spread of 2x Root and 1x Adonis is needed, because if somehow they trash your Adonis early, you might not be able to use this tactic. Root is more expensive to trash and nets relatively the same.

Furthermore, Having Breaker Bay and the Asset in your scoring remote hinders you in absolutely no way, making the runner have to dig deep into this pockets just to trash this combo.

  • Scored Utopia Fragment has a very interesting interaction with NAPD ( obviously raising the steal cost to 6,8 etc. etc.), but even more interesting with the new agenda Oaktown grid. Install and double advance will net you 2c, while for the runner to steal it will cost 4c. Total gap in the money wars is -6 for the runner.

Overscoring Atlas is also a good idea so you can insta fetch Midseason, Scorches or w/e you need.

  • Other card choices worth mentioning are the Archer and Janus. Oversight on Archer early game will shut-down the runner from that server for a long while. If you see them getting their breaker, just pick your archer with the ID and then wait/score the Hostile Takeover ( if you want to be optimal). Same with Janus. If they want to take 1 brain damage to break Janus - perfect trade for you. On the other hand watching you pick up an Oversight Curtain Wall and then running into that server to force you the rezz, just so they face-check a Janus - priceless.

Last, but not least, few cards to consider:

  • I wanted to put Eve Campaign instead of Adonis, since it has a trash of 5, rather than 3 and still nets you the same amount with this tactic ( 2c at start of turn and 5c for bounce with ID). Then I found out that it costs 3 influence, rather than 2, which is a little problematic as long as we have Janus.

  • Janus is the most floating influence in the deck. I like him, but he will be the first to go for Reclamation Order ( to pick Scorches, AIs and whatever I need) if I feel it's needed. That being said, RO is the card I want the most in the deck currently. Or Archived Memories. However, if the deck keeps steamrolling like this, I see no reason for it. How was that old British saying " If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

17 Jun 2015 Csys

Hey, don´t forget to bounce that Breaker Bay Grid before The Root and/or Adonis Campaign. The rez cost is lowered (even if that card is already active) as long as those cards are in the same server, and you´ll only get the diminished rez cost.

17 Jun 2015 Dydra

True, you can do that. Although I don't see a lot of point to it. :) The idea is to bounce the Adonis/Root back so you get the +5/7c net.

Although you could bounce BB grid if you wanted to.

17 Jun 2015 Jashay

His point is that you do not get +5 or + 7, net or otherwise, if you use Breaker Bay Grid.

The Grid lowers the rez costs by 5. This makes the rez cost of The Root 1. Returning it with Blue Sun's ability will therefore only gain you 1, as the rez cost remains lowered whilst the Grid is active.

17 Jun 2015 Softman25

That's exactly the point though - BB grid reduces the rez cost by 5 - so when you bounce - you're only getting value minus 5.

What Csys is saying is if you bounce BB grid, then bounce Root / Adonis, you'll get full value.

Best way I've found using this sort strategy is BB grid + Root - then use Root creds to rez an Adonis - bounce the Adonis. That's a net gain of (I think) of 6 per turn - assuming you can sink the click into installing the Adonis - and that nothing gets trashed.

17 Jun 2015 Dydra

Hmmm, I never thought about that and you guys are absolutely correct.

I'd argue that the printed rezz cost is the one which you are returning back, however BB grid gives a persistent effect, so the rezz cost is constantly 1, not 6 ...

I guess this will work out if there is a card lowering the install/rezz cost, but not giving a persistent effect ( maybe some operation later down the line, similar to Modded or Career Fair ) - thanks for pointing this out.

17 Jun 2015 Jashay

Amazon Industrial Zone works for ICE, and Executive Boot Camp works for everything. Both are triggered abilities, as opposed to Breaker Bay Grid's constant ability. The bonuses are far smaller, though.

17 Jun 2015 FarCryFromHuman

You can always use Blue Sun to move Breaker Bay Grid, then pull back the card you rezzed with BBG the turn after. This doesn't hurt much with Adonis Campaign as letting him cook for a turn or two is no skin off your nose, and you want The Root active as long as possible. It just changes up your play style.