Weyland Early Days (Core only)

rattkin 315

Strictly tag and punish oriented, tagging from many directions. Snare as an additional surprise threat, calculated even to work when installed as asset (some players actively wanting to deny Pad/Melange could bump into Snare instead). Working also well against early Criminal runs, because it can screw with his tag shakeoff calculations. Sea Source as a popular and effective tag combo with Scorched Earth. Data Raven and Shadow are further helping with tags. Aggresive Negotiation to help with pulling out 2nd Scorch or Sea Source, if the opportunity arises. Wall of Thorns as additional surprise, getting runner down from 5 to 3 cards and make him vulnerable against Scorch. Finally PSF as an additional threat. ICE mostly oriented for cheap ETR.

The deck is a bit chaotic. It will work very well against novice players and with advanced players, Hadrian can allow for quick and safe agenda scoring (as long as you have another ETR ice in front of it, to shutdown Inside Job), while occasional meat damage can slow runner down. The main problem is the draw. If there's little Ice at the beginning, it's very hard to defend and the necessary Priority Requisition hurts a lot, since you have to put it in the deck in Core, yet Weyland doesn't really need it. Very beneficial for Runner to score a 3 pointer. In further iterations, I would probably drop some economy and add more ICE. Once you barricade yourself, it's your game, especially that you can actively control the runner with advanceable ICE.

Created for a local core-set only Swiss tournament. The meta assumption was that the prevailing Runners would be Gabe. This deck doesn't work that well against Noise. Since good players will be well-aware of the multiple tag'n'Scorch threat and won't be able to kill, I've figured out, that it will be more beneficial to simply do a lot of meat damage, ideally in early game, to deny Runner important cards (3x Scorch is 12 cards, which a quarter of Runner deck). I've finished 1st with Weyland Early Days, mostly by winning or getting to a tie.