A-a-ndy 1.5- 1st @ Stratagem, Perth, Australia SC

Anzekay 387

This is my runner deck from the 16-person SC at Stratagem Games in Perth, Western Australia, which I managed to win!

After a lengthy stint trying to get Smoke to work post 2016 nationals I eventually returned to my previous love of Criminal. To start with I tried a modern version of Waltz- similar to my Regionals 2015 deck- but ended up moving to Andy after I decided Leela just wasn't fast enough for the meta. Citadel Andy was fun, for a while, but without Nexus in the deck I felt like it was too focused on the CtM matchup- an ID that just isn't common enough in my local meta.

Returning to a goodstuff style deck, I tried a bunch of iterations- gang sign/HQI. RDIs instead of medium. 1 RDI with 1 TTW. One that just had citadels, or one that just had power taps. Eventually I worked my way to a list that turned out to be awfully similar to rojazu's Andy Strikes Back deck, but with some stuff like hostages, a gingerbread and film critic. After Aaron Marrow hit I just straight up decided he was the only bit of tech I needed for the NBN matchup and moved to something a bit more concise. After rojazu's list hit nrdb the other day I realised the hostage and drug dealer I had were dead weight, and that medium really is the way to go right now. I hadn't previously considered the CI matchup much, but the Deva seemed like a really smart approach.

So really, I just ended up with the same list except with a couple of tweaks, so props to rojazu for coming up with this first, of course!

The deck ended up dropping only one game all day (and one tied win, after a 56 minute corp game), winning against RP, ETF (timed), Argus, ETF, PE and yet more ETF. The one loss was against an Architects of Tomorrow deck that just got too much big ice up during the midgame and I couldn't get enough access before he FA'd out.

Ended up using Vamadeva once all day- to break a single sub NEXT Silver when I couldn't find clippy. Otherwise it was largely a dead draw, but I felt a bit more prepared with it in the deck.

and no I don't regret slotting the OTL. I was worried about facing IG or railgun all day but could only afford one slot to deal with both of them together. I used it once for a Siphon and got it up and running against the PE in the top 4 and was able to play much more aggressively because of it.

29 Jan 2017 Larro

Been enjoying this deck myself, just made a swap of the Datasucker for a Turning Wheel for extra central pressure. Has the Datasucker served you well?

29 Jan 2017 Anzekay

Yeah I found it invaluable against all the ETF today. It helps save money for Mongoose, Femme (if you have to break with femme) and Passport quite a lot. I honestly think if I dropped the sucker I'd add a third emp strike.