
mathmusicmole 21

Cheapish ice boosted by the identity's +1. Rurh Valley and Strongbox punish using clicks to break subroutines. The agendas help the deck snowball and compensate for the increasing cost of adding ice. Skipping Jackson Howard because I'm not sure there is enough worth recycling. Most likely add him by replacing two upgrades.

17 Nov 2015 Heinrich

I just want to confirm something. Is this a joke deck, or a deck made from limited data packs? I mean, Ruhr Valley? 3x Hudson 1.0? FIVE 3/1 agendas? No BTW? Literally zero influence spent?

I don't want to sound rude if you're new to the game, but there are a lot of obvious mistakes in this decklist.

18 Nov 2015 mathmusicmole

Yup, @Heinrich, not a huge collection, my first HB deck, and I just play with a buddy at work. Haven't even assembled the cards on this one. Wanted to try something other than rez-all-the-expensive ice, because we already built one like that.

Thanks for the feedback. Did sound a tad curt, with just the list of "obvious mistakes" and no explanation, for someone to whom they're not so obvious.

Yeah, Hudson 1.0 seems silly. Are five 3/1 agendas is too many in general, even if their effects might be helpful? What is BTW? What out-of-faction cards might support this theme (I hadn't looked yet)? Why is Ruhr Valley not worth it (I don't own Enhanced Login Protocol)? Thanks for your help!

19 Nov 2015 Heinrich

Brain-Taping Warehouse is a card that gives you a discount on Bioroid ICE based on how many clicks the runner has remaining. Since Bioroid ice encourages running your first click, this can give you a pretty good discount if they don't trash BTW early. Also, There's an upgrade called Heinlein Grid that makes the runner lose all of their credits if they spend a click during a run.

Ruhr Valley's effect isn't bad, but at 6 it's a tad expensive. What you might want to consider instead are cards like Ash 2X3ZB9CY and Caprice Nisei, which when used in combination often require the runner to run at least twice on your scoring server to get the agenda. I also wouldn't recommend skipping Jackson Howard. While you might not need him to recur things, his primary purpose is helping the corporation deal with agenda flooding, which can be especially dangerous when you run porous ice like Bioroids.

The 3/1 agendas aren't actually that bad, I just reacted that way because most HB players these days try to make the runner's accesses mean less by having a lower agenda density and using cards like Global Food Initiative and NAPD Contract. The question to ask yourself is whether the abilities of your 3/1s outweigh the defensive abilities of these two cards.

Anyway, sorry for sounding rude. Stronger Together isn't really considered a playable ID right now, and Ruhr Valley, Strongbox, Successful Demonstration, and Hudson 1.0 are all cards that aren't really held in high regard. I actually thought it was a joke deck (there are an awful lot on here,) but for a new-ish player with a limited card pool it's pretty reasonable.

The problem with Stronger Together is that its ability pretty much limits its strategy to "build a taxing server," but its big brother Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future just does that better nearly 100% of the time. There are two great bioroid ICE coming out in the upcoming cycle that might just change that though. I'm personally a big fan of bioroids and I want these decks to be good, so I hope you won't give up on making this work!