Store Championship Lecce 24/01/2015

Wolf88 115

Undefeated at the local store tournament, carried me to second place overall due to two runner losses. Won against a very mean Andromeda Stealth deck that went first place.

The strategy is not hard, score agendas while pressuring the runner to gather both cards and credits. Brain damage is quite easy to deal and the deck has a very high flatline ratio once the runner reaches 2 brain damage.

Keep Hiro in play if the runner has at least one brain damage and you can leverage him into scores or flatline otherwise rez him to force a discard then ditch him in archives.

The ideal scoring server is inazuma into heimdall but really go for anything you might find effective against the particular runner.

Usually people run against jinteki when equipped with a killer but this deck has only annoying and taxing sentries, the real damage comes from code gates and barriers, so exploit that.

28 Jan 2015 Bananifier

The ice mix is very interesting - Viktor 1.0 and Heimdall 1.0!

But the most surprising thing is the fact that you have no recursion - no Jackson Howard, no Interns, which seems to me to be extremely dangerous against Noise. Did you meet any? Would you remove the Janus/Fenris to add in a few Jacksons?

28 Jan 2015 Wolf88

I anticipated mostly a criminal and shaper field and that's what i found. Noise isn't a bad matchup because usually Heimdall 2.0 or Inazuma guarantee that he gets some brain damage, from there it's easy to force scores or flatlines I don't rely much on recursion usually, but Fenris is absolutely the weakest piece of ice in the deck so that's where i'd look if i wanted to free influence.

The Janus could easily be another Heimdall 2.0, it's not set in stone which one to run but i like to mix it up. Never felt like i need a Jackson since i have a lot of self defending agendas