[1st @ Bay Area Regional] RIP Goldberg

enkoder 1100

For this regional (25 people!) I knew there would be tech against Gag and Hayley because people would guess that myself and others would be playing it and these decks have done very well in other regionals. However I think most had that same thought and said to themselves "if people are going to be teching against them, then I shouldn't bring them". I had the same thought, but when in doubt, just bring the best decks. Turns out it was the right call!

My only loss as Hayley was against Marty on Argus who is a fantastic card gamer. He executed the "go fast af" Argus plan and got to 5 points very early. He jammed a Prisec behind a data raven and I fell for the bait. After getting hit with the news my setup considerably slowed down and we has able to score out two hostiles. Great game!

The only changes from the other Rube Goldberg decks are -1 Top Hat +1 SoT, +1 Khusyuk. SoT for Levy or another Khusyuk seems like a no brainer. We have a lot of Jinteki players in SF so I didn't want to worry about loosing all Levy's to damage. My biggest gripe with the original decks is you just stall out in the end game once you have the lock. Khusyuk & SoT closed games out much quicker.