Haarp Butcher 2nd Position, Cartoon Corp Store Championship

vanderlain 13

2nd Position in a Store Tournament in Valencia, Spain. 14 players, 4 rounds in Swiss (I won 3 with this deck, just lost the last one against Valencia). I played it twice in the Top4 and won all of them.

Fun deck to play. Pretty much the same deck you saw here from last months. Some slots you can change: - Cyberdex Virus Suite (essential in my meta against Medium and Noise in general). - Resistor made me feel safe for a while in some games, but you will see Haarp around with just 9 ICEs. - SanSan City Grid, it made me win a game and did its job in the only one I lost. Tempted to change it for a Psychic Field, which worked pretty well in Jinteki.net.

The set of agendas is just perfect. Profiteering deserved all my love, much more in this case than AstroScript Pilot Program.

I played against Noise, Gabriel Santiago, MaxX, Valencia and Kaplan decks.