[SOCR2] Siphon (no)Noise - Top Cut

x3r0h0ur 8956

I think its 5th, not sure, I was number 3 after swiss and lost R1, so placing will be wierd.

Deck went 3-2 in swiss, carried by the buzzsaw, my corp. Deck is basic siphon spam nonsense. I tried using laguna clone chips, but siphon just worked better. Got way better with Dummy Box, letting you get value on your MFM. Usually the deck just builds tags and goes nuts on multiaccess, drawing big on RnD, then severnius to HQ to scoop the win. Can be tuned a bit for what you expect, but the shell is there, and its Dirty.

Its also probably better as Null.

5 Jan 2021 d4spien

Sorry for hijacking an old post but i dont know if theres a way to pm you here. I am an old player wanting to get back to the game. I was hoping if you can make a decklist for a noise deck using the current cardpool without limiting yourself to any restricted or banned list since this will be a casual deck anyway. I would really appreciate your help. Thanks.