🔥 Silver Sun (2015)

FireRL (aka xFWx FIREBIRD) 1052

🔥Silver Bullet Blue Sun 🔥

This deck focuses on how good Consulting Visit is (hint: IT'S REALLY GOOD). Blue Sun's big-ice-playstyle compliments Consulting Visit's utility with Oversight AI, and the deck maximizes its tutoring power by including lots of 1x operations. Goal: have a counter to every common deck and every common play.

Card choices, strategy, criticism/rebuttal:

  • Silver Bullets: Elizabeth Mills against Blackmail Val or even shutting down Wyldside etc. Ark Lockdown against Paperclip etc. Best Defense against any 0 cost card or anything after a Midseason Replacements. Foxfire against Net Mercur etc. Scarcity of Resources against Geist etc. Crisium Grid against Account Siphon etc. Chiyashi & Bulwark against AIs. Sappers against early Medium aggression (or other spontaneous surprises - especially since the runner thinks they know what ice they're encountering since you're pre-rezzing).

  • 2x Preemptive Action and 2x Jackson Howard to recycle the Consulting Visits and whichever Silver Bullets you're showering them with.

  • Flatline options: Scorched Earth or BOOM! delivered by Hard-Hitting News or Midseason Replacements. It doesn't matter which one the runner thinks you're on, because you're on all of them.

  • "Only 1x Project Atlas!?" Look at the econ in that agenda suite! This deck does not suffer from tempo loss caused by scoring since it makes money from it. Plus, 3x Consulting Visit doesn't ask for more consultation.

  • Meru Mati is a solid card in Blue Sun since you can fill a hole earlier in the game, bounce it, then pop it back onto HQ where it belongs.

  • Mother Goddess is a powerful card in Blue Sun since you can force it to be the only rezzed ice - even if it means tearing down your fortresses to lock the runner out of 1 server indefinitely (and get paid to do so!).