Dodgy Calculations V2

frost-duty 2792

The deck is designed to lure the runner into running and then hitting into upgrades to massively increase their costs at the final hurdle, potentially wasting their resources and then allowing corp to score an agenda.

9 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

No experiential data? I don't think you've optimized the 'math altering" aspect. Needs 3x experiential data and 3x corporate troubleshooter.

10 Jan 2014 frost-duty

Thanks for the comment! I respectfully disagree on both these points, and here's why.

The deck is fairly low on economy. Ash and Herrings are both very efficient on that front. Having played it a few times now I honestly don't think I can afford to throw away the cash on a troubleshooters. I know they will certainly be useful in some circumstances, but I have found myself generally wanting more cash even as things are at the moment.

As for the experiential datas, the deck functions more on the surprise of getting through a couple of pieces of ICE then suddenly needed a bunch of extra cash to actually steal the agenda. Thus, they fail and then have to run again if they have the clicks or economy to do so (thus far nobody has had the resources to immediately run again on the same turn). There simply aren't huge ICE walls used for protection, and most of the time I seem to be having 2 pieces of ICE up (say a tollbooth and an ICHI). Thus I don't think the experiential is worth it.

If I was to put some of them in, what would you suggest I take out?