Hey bud, it's Noise (I'm crashing at yours tonight, m'kay)

strongoose 661

1st place at Leisure Games London's first winter GNK.

This is a pretty standard aggro Noise list, with some meta tweaks.

Economy Ok, so, this deck doesn't have much economy (don't worry, this is fine). You're relying on hitting an Aesop's Pawnshop and your Caches pretty quick. I originally ran no Cyberfeeders in this deck, and usually felt like I was waiting around to see Aesops and Cache. Since adding them I've found that they're exactly what I needed; they enable you to start doing things even if Aesop takes his sweet time showing up. Specifically, it allows you to play a cheap (or free!) virus each turn, thus applying pressure while you also draw up and take credits.

Then there's Imp. Against fast advance, Imp just reads "Gain about 8 credits for trashing all your opponent's installed cards." Lovely.

Breakers Good news on the economy front here: you ain't gonna need money for runs. Faust and D4v1d will get you in pretty much anywhere. Corroder is nice for lowering Wraparound's strength... so that you can Parasite it to death. Hey, random thought: I have a spare inf, I could run Inti instead of Corroder. That seems like an amazing idea!

Er, right, back to the description. Mimic is there to deal with untrashable bastards. That's it. If they don't run Architect, probably don't bother installing it. I'm open to better solutions, but I'm pretty sure there are none (maybe a personally touched Switchblade... ugh, no).

Other interesting inclusions

  • Dorm Computer: tired of finding the perfect pirate download of the latest Explode-a-palooza, only to realise that it's just too good to be true? Tags getting you (burnt) down? Look no further! With some mook's computer at your disposal, you can check Archives four times and laugh in the face of News Teams. Also there's all that horrible tagging ICE this lets you (mostly) ignore. I came up against a few NBN tagging decks this GNK (including an up-to-that-point-undefeated Haarpsichord Studios: Entertainment Unleashed deck in the final), and man oh man is this card worth the slot. And hey, in matchups where you don't want it, just feed it to Aesop and it becomes an Easy Mark.
  • Lamprey: three Lampreys is more than usual, but it's pretty damn powerful if you can lock them down, and it punishes corps for not ICEing both centrals early. A sensible corp will purge, (though it's surprising how many don't!), but you can still cost them 2 or 3 creds per Lamprey. If you're not having any luck with that, just install it for free with Cyberfeeder and sell it to Aesop. Mills and money! :D
  • Imp: well, ok, not exactly an interesting include, but worth a mention for sheer power. It helps you dig, it saves you money, and it trashed pesky kill from their hand. Oh, yeah, along with Dorm Computer (and sometimes Lamprey), Imp is this deck's kill protection. Trust me, you don't need anything else.
  • Medium: funny story; for a long time I didn't run this card. I know right? Total idiot. It does just win you games. That said, it's expensive, so I wouldn't run more than one. Often, it's more useful as a threat than for actually doing anything (which is still a-ok!).
  • Turntable: As you will have noticed, I'm running one
  • Grimoire and one Turntable. In this deck, they're both situational. In your ground state of crazy aggression, you probably don't need either. But sometimes you need to play the long game, so you install a Grimoire for that extra memory. And sometimes they score an Astro, so you install Turntable. Got one of the two installed and changed your mind? No problem, sell one with Aesops and install the other.

Well, I think that about covers it. Great deck, very flexible; generally high-pressure and aggressive, but surprisingly good at milling the opponent out (Especially nbn kill decks. Hahaha, take that, nbn kill decks!). Its main struggle is probably lots of taxing ICE. Once all their centrals have double rezzed ICE, you generally either need to do some extensive parasiting or just mill for the win.

16 Nov 2015 shanodin

A sensible runner won't purge, a sensible corp might.

16 Nov 2015 strongoose

Herp derp Dan can thing.