The 64 floors high tower of death

Dydra 2805

This is what happens when you can't decide how to thin out your deck!

I want 3 Breaker Bay Grid with 3 Hostile Infrastructure, so I can easily rezz 2x Hostile at the same time.

You want your Hokusai's since the Breaker Bay regions are for your remotes, where as the Hokusai guards centrals + scoring remote. You want Nisei, because she is a valid win condition to push-out your fat 3-5s

Since the deck is not playing a Gila, you want Subliminal (which is MVP in this ID) with Celebrity Gifting.

The icing on top is the combination of (almost) all Agendas requiring money to steal + Predictive Algorithm + Possibly scored Utopia Shard .... in an already taxing ID, this seems like a world of tax!

Scorching through your untrashable Snares! as another valid win condition! If any1 has any recommendations how to think out, please do suggest, but I think that if there is a deck that can do a 64 cards, it is definitely with this ID :)