Cyborgs Don't Have Friends

FarCryFromHuman 113


Woman in the Red Dress is intended to be Film Critic (but doesn't need to be).

Collective Consciousness is the 3 1 for 3 program.

Similar idea as my previous deck Stop the Clock, and inspired by Grimwalker's deck Too Much Free Time, but built in Kit instead.

This version switches out the PPvP and Street Chess econ packages for Magnum Opus, John Masanori, and Diesel.

It relies on Study Guide and Escher to create massive Keyhole windows when you fire off the click program. Lockpick helps you build up Study Guide for cheap while you get the rest of the pieces set up, allowing you to keep pressure on remotes.

Parasite and Datasucker can be swapped out for Desperado if you'd like; sadly Kit doesn't have the influence to do both. I think the ICE destruction package is going to keep Kit in the late-game, but the console would let me rename this deck She Works Hard for the Money, which is its own reward.

Femme Fatale could be Hades Shard if desired, but since this deck is about consistency I went with the infamous killer.

The Scavenge set is to ensure I can put my big programs on a Leprechaun if they come out in the wrong order, and also to cheat out the more expensive programs with Test Run (not much savings there though).

This deck's major strength over the Exile version lies mainly in the consistency of repeated accesses provided by a souped-up Study Guide mowing down a row of Eschered code gates for 1 per . Second, it foregoes the flexibility of Eater but also avoids its weakness: you can also access normally with this deck.