The Ken Deck! 16th FFG 2015 Regionals

ClickZero 4

This was the deck list from the version I took to the FFG regionals. Ultimately it went 3-3, which was the worst showing I've had with the deck so far, but a part of that is because I tend to get a little reckless at times (Note: If you're winning don't legwork a broke jinteki because you might miss all of their snares they can't fire, but hit 3 Fetal AIs and lose!)

It's more of a throw-back criminal deck that can really adapt to the flow of the game and punish every mistake the corp makes throughout a game. It can generate an insane amount of money throughout a game and keep up with any corp.

Some cards that ended up being great additions to this deck:

Study Guide seemed ridiculous when I swapped out a Gordian Blade to try it out, but it hasn't ever really held me back. There were a few games before the tournament where I felt like it could be problematic, but it really did work at FFG. Considering the shear amount of money this deck produces every turn, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch of the imagination to figure out why it just simply works in a deck like this (I also suspect a Prepaid Kate deck could really make use of it..but she doesn't have Kati/desperado/security testing generally so maybe not)

Déjà Vu Total oldschool criminal addition, but it's my favorite card in the deck! With prepaid, it can be a faster Same Old Thing but it is mainly there to deal with the criminal problem of program recursion.

Earthrise Hotel One of the cards I added in-between store champs and now. It is another card that I was originally worried about paying for, but just like Study Guide the cost was barely noticeable.

Inside Job If you are a criminal, play three copies of this card. It's quite possibly still the best card ever printed. I can't tell you how many times during this season I have stolen agendas, trashed SanSans and Caprices, or even just saved the breaking cost of an Asteroid Belt or Tollbooth.

Utopia Shard I'm sure you already know this, but if you have one spare influence please spend it on this card. I didn't even use it all day(although I probably should have in both of my reckless flatline losses!) but it normally saves my butt or nabs me a free agenda. It works well with Dirty Laundry which, if you've ever played Prepaid Ken, is your favorite econ card to see!

I added a third Faerie and an Emergency Shutdown right before the tournament, so subtract those two cards and that was my initial 45 card iteration of this deck. I'll probably take those out for the time being but shutdown is really nice for one of my tougher match ups: Blue Sun.