Wired Money

darkpact 20

Personal Workshop is the mulligan condition.

You always have around 1 credit with this deck. Use Order of Sol trigger with Personal Workshop in each of yours and the Corp turns to get the maximum of credits out of this amazing card.

Keep Ghost Runner credits primary for Psi Games if the Corp is playing with that. Always keep one Net Celebrity as a counter to any Corp current. Magnum Opus is usually only needed if the Corp is playing a glacier deck or with Elizas Toybox.

10 Nov 2014 Thike

I love Cyberfeeder in Nasir, but I feel that, especially with big-rig, Stimhack is probably better there. SMC or PW makes it so versatile, and speeds up setup so much.

11 Nov 2014 darkpact

@Thike Stimhack is only helpful to build you up. Order of Sol is already fast enough. Cyberfeeder is there to support your ice breaking long term, as you stay most of the game on 1 credit.