It's Only Fitting

mawa 448

that Noise is revitalized by a card with "Orchestra" in it's name. OK, revitalized is a strong word, and I'm a terrible Noise player. Let me put forth my reasoning and hopefully one of you can maybe take that forward.

Firstly, I'd like you to imagine a world where Rumor Mill drops through a portal and lands right in the middle of Order and Chaos. Anarchs become so powerful that not only do they win Worlds, but several top Netrunner players are forced to dye their hair and grow mohawks; that's how synonymous they are with the orange faction. And king of it all is Noise (or in my head, green-haired Dan D'Argenio), with the full compliment of 15 influence and a current that completely neuters his only counters.

In reality, by the time Rumor Mill came out Noise's only playable archetype was hamstrung in such a way that it lacked the influence to play the cards that it needed even within it's own faction. With draw, breakers, and viruses all taking up influence, one of them has to give in. One of them has to go influence free.

With Black Orchestra, we can finally achieve that. Here is an Anarch code gate breaker that isn't Force of Nature. It even has some advantages over Yog.0. It's cheaper, if less efficient: suitable for Noise, who's making fewer runs anyway. Alongside Paperclip, it's pitchable with Street Peddler and Inject, and you don't need to waste Déjà Vu on it. You can even make a tasty clickless cred on turns where you've got nothing better to trash with Aesop's Pawnshop and Scheherazade.

More than that though, it actually compliments Noise well: it's inefficient, but it's most inefficient against small ice, which is easily Parasitable. And it actually fits in your deck influence-wise, unlike Yog.0.

The only problem with this deck? Fitting the things you need in. You still need more influence for Levy AR Lab Access. Since you're not running the Faust rig, which is the ideal breaker for Noise, it can be difficult to fit the memory. And then there's fitting it into 45 cards: Noise lists are tight anyway, but lacking tag and damage protection in this day and age is just not reasonable.

But hey, maybe I'm just bad at Noise. Maybe you can do him justice. I certainly invite you to try. I've heard a rumor: Mill is Back.

16 Oct 2016 moistloaf

Idea is sound. I'm wondering if the Wyldcakes engine is worthwhile without Levy. I'm inclined to think not. IHW is still great in the meta and you can play a Temujin or something with those 3 MWL pips. Just a thought. You could even play Beth.