Rihanna Knows Your Secrets

vvribeiro 816

Lay the bad pub asap. Once you do, run remotes for free.

11 Oct 2014 Pinkwarrior

i like silhouette more people should run her. that said i don't like frame job as a card i've tryed running it same as you with noto but found it hard to pull of alot of the time, also activist support and kati don't mix. Have you thought about dropping kati and frame job for opus? this gives you your econ and use's that extra 2 MU you have free, and just useing the notoriety as extra agenda's. Also i found DLR works well with this kinda deck fitting it in is abit hard though.

11 Oct 2014 vvribeiro

Yeah, I'm trying to make this bad pub dynamic work. You're right about Activist Support and Kati Jones, but once I lay the bad pub, I can shake the tag and use Kati normally. I like opus too, but I rather try to squeeze a Sneakdoor Beta here.

12 Oct 2014 Pinkwarrior

@vvribeiro No you can't shake the tag it comes back every turn as you need to get rid of activist if you want to shake the tag.

12 Oct 2014 Pinkwarrior

Id rather have the sneakdoor 2 especially with your breaker suite but econ comes first imo.

12 Oct 2014 vvribeiro

Damn, I forgot I can't trash my resources.