Breaking The Meta (BTM) Ep.4: The DM Says, "You Fail Your Sa

Sidkah 284

Welcome all to this week in Breaking the Meta! Normally I would shift to the Corp side but today I'm going to write up about Whizzard: Master Gamer since a friend of mine who is fairly new wanted me to make him it. So here we go!

                                       The Identity

Whizzard: Master Gamer has been overlooked for awhile now for good reason, OaC released 3 dazzling IDs with other amazing things that made Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire and even Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter surpass this anarch. But lets look at him in great detail. He is a 45/15 Runner with no starting link and a 3 recurring credits to trash cards. With the current meta, Haas-Bioroid:ETF and JIntelki RP and even NEH has been strong and taxes the runner into forcing them to trash assests. Well, Whizzard has no problem with this as he can kill a SanSan for 2, a PAD Campaign for 1 or a Mental Health for free. I feel if built correctly, Whizzard can pose a serious problem for corporations.

                                            The Events

Account Siphon is pretty much one of my fave cards in Netrunner, but also my most hated. This baby can interrupt the corp's economy gain while giving you some tags that you want to happen. Even if the corp has only 1 when you finish the run and steal it, its ok. We Want tagged by the corp.

Dirty Laundry is an easy 3 credits earned at the start of the game at archives. Nothing to special about this card.

Déjà Vu is sooooo sweet. The ability to recur your Account Siphon, Vamp, get back your Levy AR Lab Access if it is discarded, bringing back a trashed Knight or even any 2 viruses is awesome! All Core Set cards are busted and awesome!

I've Had Worse is here for protection against any sort of Net and or Meat damage you might take. If you are CERTAIN that the corp has no net/meat, then its a nice draw card for 1. Remember, you are being tagged, so any amount of protection is pretty much great here.

Levy AR Lab Access is here to recur all your stuff! Since corps are playing blacklist, you might have them throw it away if you are using the Eater/Keyhole wombo combo. Its pretty sweet to shuffle everything together and doing everything all over again!

Sure Gamble is a staple. Boring

Vamp is another way to totally destroy the corporation's economy and also giving you a tag. Time to thin out that RnD!


Clone Chip is a 2 of here to do a multiple amount of things. First off, It can be used to fling a Parasite on an ICE and kill it, bring back a Lamprey when a successful run on HQ happened, or bring back an Eater or Knight that fell overboard.

Grimoire is a toss up for me over Vigil, but since we are flinging Parasite at ICE so i guess this is it. It also allows up +2 MU for all our stuff we will be playing!

MemStrips was added for the amount of virus stuff we will be vomiting out on our Corp's servers.

Plascrete Carapace is a 1 of here as a lot of Tag 'n Bag decks are thinning out to Rush and Glacial style decks. But I'd rather have 1 and not need it, then be flatlined and wish I had it. Remember kids, Safety FIRST!


Data Leak Reversal is a throwback card to the old Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter deck use to function, but now its time for the DM to use it again!

Same Old Thing allows you to recur any event at all! its basically allows you to have 5 Account Siphon, recur your Levy AR Lab Access if it was discarded, or even Vamp again. It is an all around amazing card.

Scrubber is also used to help fight Econ wars you might get into. I feel like this should be taken out and replaced with something else. If needed to be configured, I would take this card out first.


Eater is a pretty sweet card! Since you really don't want to access HQ or RnD, it allows Account Siphon/Vamp runs to happen easier and makes Keyhole kinda easy too! But beware of Crisium Grids and Swordsman!

Knight is here to help break Wraparounds and Swordsman! It can even help you get into remotes or even force the corp to trash the hosted ICE for another one.


Datasuckeris here to make runs less taxing on us. Use the tokens with a Parasite to destroy them and run rampant. even if you force the corp to Purge, you still are clear to run where you please.

Keyhole is here to put pressure on their RnD. Make the Corp Ice up heavily on central servers, then destroy their remotes when you can.

Lamprey was a last minute add. It allows us to constantly drain their econ and having two or more out is annoying and will force the corp to purge. If anything, this card can be cut for Joshua B..

Parasite is here to kill pesky ice, force purges, and just be plain out annoying. Its in faction, so use it!

                         Honorable Mentions

Joshua B.should be a 3 of in this deck style if need be. As stated above, the Lamprey can be cut if need be.

Vigil is a nice console if you are consistently forcing corp to keep a max hand size (Siphoning, vamping, purging) and could be a free draw. The downside is the +1 MU over Grimoire's +2 and Virus Steroids.

Have Fun and roll nat 20's as Whizzard: Master Gamer controls each step of the game under his terms!

14 May 2015 Oziride

Blacklist >>> Levy AR Lab Access, you cannot shuffle the cards