A Stirling Goodbye (2.5)

Pinkwarrior 2351

2.5 A small change but also a big difference dropped a ZU.13 Key Master to free up influence for 2 x Film Critic not sure I need 2 but the power of the card is amazing messing up so many decks and gel's really well with Iain Stirling: Retired Spook . The card mess's with Midseason play, NAPD, Future Perfect the new Haarpsichord studios ID and many more making it really powerful.

2.0 So I've been playing the deck for sometime now and am really enjoying it, Been able to out money Weyland decks and just plow though ICE regardless of ST. So far it seems the best thing is to go get Mr.Li as soon as possible and forgo anything else once he's set up everything else falls into place which leaves me with little use for Lawyer Up so i dropped that and i haven't found any use for Emergency Shutdown even when i get it since my econ is so good.

Rush decks can be an issue and not having the MU or Influence for the newly released Clot makes that a no go, on the other hand Traffic Jam seems like a good fit it can help stop that Astro train and deal with the corps annoying Current something that's also been a problem all free of influence and on top of that its also got use against non rush decks turning 3/5's into 3/6's makes a massive difference.

I decided to change the Plascrete Carapace for Crash Space it's more use i find been useable with Account Siphon and it's cheaper to put down especially with The Supplier, on that note 2 Suppliers seems fine.

A Build of a criminal Au Revoir deck using Logos & Mr. Li to help get what you need but the deck doesn't rely on Au Revoir for cash either and can play happily without it.

ZU.13 Key Master is the codegate of choice here as it turns 1 Dyson Mem Chip into 2MU effectively and sets up the Underworld Contact.

12 Aug 2015 catch8088

If you have that much money, New Angeles City Hall would be good.

13 Aug 2015 Pinkwarrior

@catch8088 You could be right their Film Critic would help me keep it up, tho with all the money and FC am not sure id make much use out of it.