All gold

Diogene 4178

Controlling the board is the goal of the game. NBN: Controlling the Message has been and still is the most representative for taxing the runner through tags.

Game plan : tag the runner and then put him in prison or fast advance you agendas.

Mulligan : you want ice to protect your centrals.

Concept of the deck : demonstrating that the NBN faction can stand on its own without using neutral cards or out of faction cards.

Reality Threedee cost a ton of creds and bring you credits at almost no cost to you. To mitigate the bad pub, we have Increased Drop Rates, which also double as a vector for our corp ID.

Use Market Forces to keep the runner poor and Self-Growth Program to control the runner's board.

Jua is excellent in the current meta, where World Tree is used a lot. Running first click (a good practice normally) becomes problematic if you cannot install anything after.

This work quite well and is rather fun to play. A fun experiment for sure, if not super competitive. The worst matchup would be against an certain orange runner.

I hope you enjoy this experiment. Cheers!