Trainer Red

Snake Eyes 4651


Triple Archer remotes sound good to you?

Yeeeahhhh. Me too.

Especially when they're just protecting Junebugs or Snares or whatever.

Standoff is an awesome throwaway agenda, and mucks stuff up for the runner by forcing them to take damage or tags, while powering up your later game Stock Buy Back.

If the runner has more than 8cr, you can still set up a HHN-BOOM! kill as long as you have more money than the runner and a False Lead scored. Unless they can generate an extra click somehow, they don't have enough actions to clear enough tags to dodge the BOOM! kill.

55% win rate through a couple of iterations with 50 games in, but it's a Weyland non-rush non-asset spam deck so that it gets just that is not half-bad imo ... ¯\(ツ)/¯ Wins by points about 66-75% of the time, kills otherwise.

The ICE is tailored around either Ending the Run, or making me sweet sweet bucks (eg. Bailiff, the mini Pop-up window, or Veritas the mega pop-up window!)

Other than ICE, Money, or traps to provide the fear of death, the only defensive tool in this deck is Crisium Grid really, to help against Indexings.