Superbad pubhole

Odonuvo 66

My first deck built in Parahelion. The wincon is superdeep. Use Zato and your infinite money to keep the runner out. Trebuchet to stop pinhole.

I considered running Azef protocol and Broad Daylight as an alternate win condition, but I found that it quickly turns into a different type of deck that's better off without superdeep.

Outside of a few cube drafts using rotated cards I haven't played Netrunner since worlds so I doubt this deck is any good. It's also why there's no tech for anything outside of pinhole -- I don't know what meta to call.

12 Jan 2023 Jtfq99999

K2CP Turbine Shapers running the server for free and you run out of Zato ICE

12 Jan 2023 Odonuvo

:( Whelp, I tried. There go my hopes of Endurance being banned and giving this half a chance of working.

13 Jan 2023 HolyMackerel

One card to be wary of is Pinhole Threading, a common inclusion in many runner decks. It seems the Borehole is doomed to suffer for Drago Ivanovs sins...