A Gamble on 2 Chips [2nd at Pittsburgh CO]

London 235

This was the runner deck I took to Pittsburgh CO (went 4-1) on a whim after spending all my time prepping corp. Jnet says I'm 1/7 on it, although I think the deck and meta changed a bit since the earlier games. Still, it was a hastily assembled, barely tested setup, I suppose I have Ysengrin to thank for designing the Q-Loop shell (and others for identifying Gachapon).

The deck did quite well, it has some amount of setup like all Arissanas, but Overclock+SMC (from hand) lets you contest an early remote push, which I used to break and trash an envelopment from The Outfit at least once. I was greedy and cut pinholes and 3rd simulchip. In hindsight, they are probably both worth it, with the influence coming from Bahia Bands. That card isn't bad - it offers Arissana much needed draw, tag removal, and click compression, but I think 3x may be a bit much (It's kinda weak when you aren't ready to challenge a server and just run archives with it). And if you're going below 3 Bahia and up to 3 simulchip, you don't need 3 casts for install targets, which lets you take more gambles, which is just better for getting set up early.

I'm on the fence about slap vandal. I keep it around mostly because I'm afraid of 4 and 6 strength sentries, but there aren't too many good targets for it. I see other Arissana lists running draw such as Earthrise or Nuka. I definitely think another draw could be good, but I don't know what to cut. I think Dreamnet is an idea because Gachapon, but I'm not sure if you run enough. I think Overclock is definitely the right call, it synergizes so well with SCM and Q-Loop. Same for Environmental Testing, that card is busted in Arissana.

My one game loss was vs Bendurance's OB (who went on to win) where I misplayed a bunch. I blame being massively inexperienced on runner. I think the deck has lots of fine matchups, but there are plenty I haven't tested. Asset spam could be an issue, but Bahia and Overclock do give trashing options, and conduit digging is always a reliable wincon there.