(Concept only): The World's Scariest Pup

CelestialSpark 321

Before I say anything else: This is a joke, conceptual deck only, designed by a math geek. This will not win games. This will not even get to the point where you get to show off your little joke unless your opponent cooperates. It's not tournament legal anyway, since it uses Cell Portal.

Your goal is to set up a server with ICE in the following order:


Next 5 ICE: TL;DR or Wormhole

Cell Portal


The server also must have all three copies of Marcus Batty installed. You must also have, at minimum, enough credits to rez every unrezzed ICE in the server, plus rez the Cell Portal another two times.

The rest of the deck is simply there to build the money to set this up and set up a run where the runner cannot jack out. You then use AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World to send the runner to the mega server, hoping that somehow, by the time you have drawn and set up all these cards, he can't break the code gates (just remember that you can't rez the outermost ICE if you do this; have an unrezzed dummy ICE or rez in advance). Or you could ask nicely. While you're at it, ask him to run into your Architects and Errand Boy over and over so you can build the server faster.

So what is the point of all this, you ask? The runner is going to hit 3 TL;DRs. He's going to hit three Wormholes that you'll use to copy the TL;DR subroutine every time, so I'm going to call them TL;DRs as well; it's essentially 6 TL;DRs in a row. How many subs is that, you ask? Well, the first has 1, the second has 2, and third has 4, obviously enough. The fourth has 16, though, not 8 like you might first think; it's 1, doubled 4 times, or 2^4. The fifth has 1, doubled 16 times, or 2^16. And the sixth has 2^65536, Uh-oh.

Then he hits the Cell Portal. During the APPROACH phase, BEFORE the encounter, you rez the portal and a Marcus Batty. You win the psi game, because your opponent is a nice guy. You use Batty to pick the portal's subroutine, sending the runner back and derezzing the portal without entering the encounter step, meaning the sub duplication never happened and the effect carries over to the TL;DRs again. Do this twice more, then let the runner by the portal without rezzing it, and he will run into a Pup.

This puppy will have more subroutines than the number of atoms in the universe, to the power of the number of atoms in the universe. 2 times the 24th tetration of 2, or 2*(2^2^2^2...^2) with 24 2's inside the parentheses. My calculator can't go this high, but I can say that the 16th tetration of 2 is 1.415 * 10^9864. Just square that 8 more times, then multiply by 2.

And then he uses his Self-Modifying Code to install Faerie, breaks it for 0, and slaps you for memeing too hard. Next time just Batty an Inazuma if you want to win.

20 Feb 2018 CelestialSpark

TL;DR this is a silly deck that just makes an ICE have enough subroutines to break your calculator.

20 Feb 2018 LynxMegaCorp

I tried decks like this, back when Cell Portal still existed, using things like Komainu and that grid that swaps ice.

22 Feb 2018 Cliquil

Thought you might like to know this was a thing I managed at a Jank Tournament: netrunnerdb.com

22 Feb 2018 Cliquil

Though you might like to know that a deck like this got to fly at a Jank Tournament


23 Feb 2018 CelestialSpark

Nice idea to include the RSVP to make it somewhat possible to pull off. Vikram 1.0 would work too in most situations, or even just program trashing (since everything is a code gate) if they don't have Sac Cons. But giving up a Batty fire to land it means we have to take the 4.3 billionth root of our final number of subroutines, which is kind of a bummer. Universal Connectivity Fee seems like the most realistic way to prevent breaking without a Batty fire.

23 Feb 2018 CelestialSpark

Nice idea with the RSVP to prevent breaking. Vikram 1.0 or even just trashing their decoder could feasibly work as well. But giving up a Batty fire here means having to take the 4294967296th root of the number of duplicated subs, which kind of stinks. Universal Connectivity Fee seems like the most likely thing to stick without Batty against a lategame rig.