There's always another stupid trick (5-0@Scottish Regionals)

leachrode 1267

The R+ spin on the TableCarnage variant AugustusCaesar won SE regionals with. I had been out of netrunner enough for the last 6 months to miss that this archetype was about at all, so having received a version of this from @Binarydogs, and decided to cut the wage workers completely because it seems fairly bad now (and double so in R+) in favour of the third Reaper, I was glad to see that Augustus had already somewhat pre-approved that cut from the "actually still playing a lot and being good at netrunner" camp.

In practice I think the R+ version is marginally weaker than NEH overall into a prepared field. You are a little slower to present a lethal threat most of the time because of your reduced draw, and have less inf space to be flexible with trying to beat particular things. In a field where no one actually has the archetype in mind though R+ felt very resilient and solid, able to present some absolute nonsense kills in the mid to late game, when the runner was on 4+ points and seemed to already have the game fully locked up with a serious econ lead and most of the remotes cleared. In particular, the 2 cost behold fire is an absolute blowout that is extremely difficult to plan around.

The spiciest R+ fuelled kill of the day, against an opponent who absolutely did not deserve it, came from 4 credits after firing a rashida, moving a holo man onto a tomorrow's headline, firing a reaper and being credit perfect to score the agenda, get r+ money, click for one and end of the line. Otherwise most of them came down to just behold > false lead combos and one very unfortunate tag me Zahya. The SIU never did anything and can probably go, holoman > headline provides most of the same threat for killing the runner if they don't run but both of the cards involved are also actually useful rather than blank.

Dumb ways to die

Cheers to everyone involved in organising the tournament, and also regionals generally, it's been great to get them back in the calendar and a really nice bridge back into netrunner in time to start prepping for nationals