Andy's a bit simple.

lukevanryn 307

A pretty tidy Andromeda deck that my girlfriend and I put together. Lots of run events, with a strong economy to fuel it.

14 Jul 2014 x3r0h0ur

looks very snug, and well designed. I do think the armitages should be same old thing, to add flexability for the great events, and armitage is redundant with magnum. Siphon and easy mark with SG and stimhack to back you up, that should hold you out until you find opus. Personally I think 3 stimhack might be overkill (esp if you do cut to same old thing), maybe drop 1 of those, upgrade 1 maker's to indexing and spend the 2 inf on a 3rd opus? That would eliminate the need for armitage as 3 copies of opus should be enough. Might be slightly slower though, not sure. It would help you save your logos for events rather than finding breakers or opus too.

14 Jul 2014 Pinkwarrior

I totally agree with armitage, its dead with opus that said till you have an opus your struggling without armitage.

Express delivery maybe helpful here allowing you to dig through for opus on the cheap or Mr.Li am guessing your looking more at ignoring tags tho so Mr.Li wont work out in that case. Id also look at another plascrete if you are planning on not removing tags.

Looks good tho.

14 Jul 2014 lukevanryn

Yeah, having played with this deck a bunch of times now, I agree about Armitage. I initially wanted to err on the side of too much money, but between the 9-card opening hand and Logos, Magnum tends not to take too long to come out.

re: tags, the deck can go either way. I generally have the money to remove tags as they come up, but can just ignore if it looks like they won't be punished. Mr Li is a cool suggestion, I'll give him a try.

I've seen a few people play Same Old Thing, and it looks like it would be a great fit in this deck. It would provide a lot more versatility to pull out events at will. I'll take a new version to our next meetup and see how it goes.

Thanks both for your feedback!