Poor Little Rich Girl

Navelgazer 324

This is a test version of something I'm working on. Nothing too tricky here: Rich Girl Andy with the Nexus set-up. So far, the combination of tons of money, tons of link, and careful piloting have made resource-destruction not an issue, but I'm still worried about it. I'd like to make room for Sports Hoppers for both the extra link (making the corp pay more than I do to keep Nexus from working would be nice) as well as the damage protection. Interested in thoughts. Thanks, y'all!

29 Sep 2016 mawa

I missed this deck at the time it was posted, but I'd love to hear what your conclusions were about it. How did you find HQ Interface? How was the set-up speed? Will you be running Citadel Sanctuary? What about Political Operative, considering you have a weakness to Caprice Nisei?