Patch Job

stubs20 7

My attempt at a Weyland controlly type deck. I have had a love affair with Data Hound and Snoop for the longest time (as well as Invasion of Privacy but couldn't fit it in).

Data Hound is great for figuring out what type of deck your opponent is running as well as trashing key cards that they are after. Snoop does a similar effect from the hand and can give you information on if it would be a good idea to blow a hole in their house rather than blow it up completely (play a non lethal Scorched Earth).

With the Oversight AI/Curtain Wall trick I should have plenty of cash on hand for the SEA/Scorch play, as well as money for the Data Hound traces.

Once things are in the trash I am hoping to score out the Chronos Project keeping them from recurring all the things I worked so hard to trash.

Patch pumps a few key peices of ICE out of range of their most hated Icebreakers, namely Data Hound/Mimic and Enigma/Yog.0. It's also nice to slap on any barrier to put a bit of extra tax on the runner, keeping them poor and opening up more scoring windows/ Scorched Earth plays.

Power Shutdown will help keep their programs in check.

This deck is designed to have 2 win strategies, the first and most obvious is to burn the runner's house down, the second is to lock out runner by trashing key ice breakers and leisurely scoring behind a Ice Wall, Enigma, or less likely an Archer.

I have only a few games with this deck, both ending in a Scorched Earth win, but I would love to hear critiques on how to make this work better. Though I will say that this isn't meant to be a tier 1 deck, I'm more just trying to get Data Hound and Snoop to work a bit better than I have in the past.