The Wyrmy & Kraken Show

lukesim3 474

In my ongoing quest to make a serviceable Noise deck, I'm trying to work in the Wyrm. I don't think this archetype makes sense with AoA, because getting your Ice Carvers trashed defeats the point.

Fairly light on econ, but based on recurring credits. There's a few Public Sympathies in case you get traced with Spinal, or feel like you're gonna get scorched.

I think there's potential to move this over to Reina (why not make the Corp pay more for that ice you're just going to destroy anyway), but I still like Noise's ability as a way to score the odd agenda from archives or trash important pieces of the Corp's puzzle.

Haven't really playtested this, but feedback is welcome and appreciated.

25 Jul 2014 posttrib777

I did the Reina deck and just posted it. Mine is real light on econ but it is very similar to your deck here.

Thumbs up, I like it.

My deck is "Ice Driller" if you want to check it out.