Winning NBN: NEH AstroBiotics Shipment AR (1st Place - Fun 4

tvaduva 466

1st Place Runner deck at Fun 4 All in Ypsilanti, MI on March 7th, 2015

23 Participants

5 Rounds, Top 8

Fairly standard AstroBiotics NEH. Minor changes are 3x Shipment from SanSan and a bit bigger ice with 2x Lotus Field and 1x Tollbooth. This was to score from low credits (0 with Astro token, 5 with Biotic, and 6 with SanSan City Grid) and to keep runner out of central servers and/or defend a rezzed SanSan City Grid for multiple agendas. This worked well against Leela, 2x Edward, Silhouette, and Andy in Swiss and Kit and CT in elimination rounds. Undefeated in all games.

5-0 in Swiss

2-0 in Double Elimination