Efficient Ayla

HiddenAway 1009

A really standard style runner deck but aimed at being more efficient. This deck went 2-2 at the Preston Store Championships (12th), the losses coming from a key mistake towards the end of the game against a Jinja AoT deck and being hit by a well-timed Snare/Prisec bluff, meaning that I could not clear tags and lost key cards (Turning Wheel with 4 counters).

You almost always want Professional Contacts or Career Fair in the NVRAM and try to get it installed turn 1 so you can start getting ready. I dropped a Modded from the deck but I feel that's the wrong decision since Modded can really help to keep the credit total up since most of the hardware and programs cost 3-4 to install. Data Folding takes advantage of the extra memory space since the standard rig only needs 4 MU and Cyberdelia gives 1 MU for each copy installed (2 needed for a standard build, 3 against Tag heavy decks/HHN).

After Data Folding, Takobi and Cyberdelia help each other to break deep servers without spending many credits. This can be amplified with System Seizure, which is primarily used to counter Scarcity of Resources but can also be used with Paperclip/Na'Not'K for efficient breaking of stacked servers. Kongamato has a place in this deck by assisting with breaking any trap or grail ice (for example, Excalibur in AgInfusion) or to quickly break a piece of ice with just 1 subroutine and reduce the credit payout or to help charge Takobi counters.

Film Critic is the restricted card because of all the defensive 5/3 agendas around. @Tolaasin gets credit for persuading me to include 2 copies instead of 1 (even though he asked me to only credit him if I won...)

published by AlwaysBeRunning.net

19 Mar 2018 emilyspine

could you say a bit about why you went for multiple copies of breakers and 1 SMC, rather than 3 SMC and 1 of each breaker? I guess you'd want Takobi up quite early and SMCs could help you find it quicker.

19 Mar 2018 HiddenAway

@emilyspine My main concern with single copies of programs is that Skorpios was quite popular at the time and I wanted a little redundancy so I didn't get locked out (though in hindsight with Film Critic, that's probably not a concern). Using SMC also bypasses Modded, which I prefer to use on Cyberdelia but can also work on programs if there's no other targets.

I might try +2 SMC, -1 of each breaker though and see how it plays, adding either another Inside Job or some extra econ with the free slot.

Thanks for the comment :)

11 Aug 2024 digital88

Excellent option, I like it a lot catalogos digitales