Child Star

bloodyfistyheart 42

Meant to be played against the TMZ deck:

It's no secret that once-beloved child actress Cindy Thompson has gone a little off-the-rails as she's gotten older. After several hit movies like "My Friend Dinosaurus" and "Dinosaurus Goes to SanSan" Thompson has fallen off the radar and gotten herself involved in numerous illicit activities. It is a well-known fact that Cindy Thompson has been abusing stims as well as other drugs. She has often been sited at popular nightclubs, getting into fights and getting arrested for charges of underage drinking, underage gambling, driving a hopper under the influence of alcohol, and assault. It is only recently that her actions have taken a darker turn into the world of cyber crime. Some of Thompson's acquaintances have reported that she often hides away in her workshop for long stretches of time, and that she has refused to tell anyone what she is working on. That much, however, has recently changed in a shocking turn of events.

Earlier this month, Thompson made a public statement declaring war against the paparazzi. She implied heavily that her intent was to hack into NBNs Celebrity Gossip Division and sabotage the network. There has been no official response from TMZ yet, but it is safe to assume that security will be increased at the TMZ headquarters, and they will likely try to catch Thompson in the act, and provide proof of any crimes she commits.

Meanwhile, Cindy Thompson has taken on the monicker "Chaos Theory" or "The Actress Formally known as Cindy." Her fans are showing support for her in this dark time. Many have gone on public casting sites to gain followers for their "Leave CT Alone" campaign. Unfortunately, the efforts are generating equal parts sympathy and ridicule from the public.

That is all on that story for today. Now we go to Steven Dilroz for the weather...