Fast Loki

AugustusCaesar 1439

This is my latest iteration of Lokipilled, which i took to Singapoore Online CO for a 4th place spot. (record was 2-2)

The changes since my last version are -2 Bio-Vault, +1 Sim Reset, +1 NGO. I think on balance those changes are fine, if not earth shattering. The extra econ and draw helps you get set up faster, but the lack of bio vaults can leave you vulnerable in some endgames.

The deck still has one massive problem, and that is that the combo is useless against Big Hoshiko, or any other bankhar deck (but specially big hosh because it has no problems paying 8 hp to trash your trieste behind a double anem server.)

Singapoore CO Tournament Report

Game 1: loss against Jai piloting Big Hosh.

This is a really bad matchup, my strategy is to just play glacier and hope they draw the bad parts of the economy. This game they didn't, and a turn one Bankhar didn't help me any.

I did get off to an early start, helped by their insistence on trashing my triestes that I wasnt planning on using anyway. I managed to land a send a message early, which is a must for winning this matchup. But they had a good response of hippoing the rezzed ice to turn the ag ability back off. And they showed the very real downside of Mlinzi by breaking it for 6 creds and 1 net.

Even though i also managed to sneak in a longevity serum, they got maw and stargate set up and used hippos and botulus to destroy all ice in my scoring remote, sealing the game.

Game 2: win against OF15-15 on reg hoshiko.

This was a much smoother game, i got set up very fast with an early wave rez (thanks to the extra NGOs, you can very reliably get waves off by baiting with an NGO behind one when the runner has breakers and money and thinks they are safe, which is exaclty what happened). I also drew enough to find both triestes, so i felt comfortable jamming the runner into a loki-dna-tracker-trieste server even though it didnt have a anemone to prevent the trieste trash. Eventually i rezzed a chiyasi and the server was unassailable. Then the runner got ran out of cards.

Game 3; loss against KyraWNY's apoc hoshiko.

Opponent was incredibly greedy and ran their 3rd apoc server when there was a chiyasi rezzed outermost they could not afford to break. But because i was sleepy i did not catch on that they were trying to apoc so i chose to rez a wave for loki instead of using the ag ability. The deck has a really hard time recovering from a succesful apoc, and the runner kept the pressure up well with Stargate and infinite anarch money.

Game 4; win against Ghost00's anicam alice.

A very fast ag game, where i put a chiyasi in every central and rezzed one against a runner with a paperclip in the bin, but only 10 creds.