Silho Makes Me Uette

siahofmars 594

Start Building your resource tools asap, get li and kati down start drawing and click for credits kati, getting tri-maf down as well, get your breakers out, and the idea is to wait for installs and then run archives hq and r and d then quest complete the Agenda, when u hit hq, u can expose the card they installed to see if its actually an agenda, so your runs arent totally wasted. HQ interface is there so u can a multi access when u hit HQ as well when you arent doing your quest complete runs n scores. Sac Construct is for those pesky power shutdowns which normally ruin these 1 breaker decks. remove tags n keep your cash with crash space after siphon. also a meat damage blocker. was thinking of just putting 2 plascretes in instead. but i dunno, up for feedback.

11 Jun 2015 Jotery

How about crash space? It would help with tags too.

11 Jun 2015 siahofmars

crash space is in the deck :)

11 Jun 2015 Jotery

Oops never mind then

11 Jun 2015 siahofmars

@Jotery no biggie man i have done it a few times myself on other peoples decks