Pre-Paid Technical Writer, Part Time Film Critic

Dane_Bramage 9

7 Dec 2015 sruman

Thanks for posting, a few comments/questions.

3 Clone Chips seems excessive since they are only for recovery lost programs, deus X, and smc if needed (which have 3 of). I would think you could cut a few. Similarly I do not understand the test runs, they are event tutors that can use the prepaid money, but with 3 SMCs and clone chips I think you the tutoring covered. Swapping them for quality times (and maybe then reducing to 2 professional contacts) might be better imho.

I do not think you're installing enough things to make Technical Writer worth it in this deck. 2 clicks will probably get 5 - 6 credits if you wait on them for 5+ turns after installing them, but a daily casts can more consistently get you that type of return (although with a 3-credit up-front investment).

Lastly, no meat damage protection at all is very dangerous in a 24/7 world, I think.

7 Dec 2015 Dane_Bramage

@sruman so how would you feel about these changes?

-2 Test Run -1 Professional Contacts -1 Clone Chip +2 Quality Time +2 Plascrete Carapace +2 Akamatsu Mem Chip

This should give me more use out of Technical Writer and give me some meat protection.

The original idea with Test Run was just more ways to get my rig out asap.

7 Dec 2015 mrgoldendeal

What's the point of the Akamatsu Mem Chip besides something to install for Technical Writer money? With your 3 breakers and 2 Multithreader you don't really need a ton of MU. What about Lockpick or Bookmark for cards that you can install for free, but get some use out of?

31 Dec 2015 Dane_Bramage

@mrgoldendeal you make a great point. Still learning the finer qualities of

I have since updated this listing with the following changes (including changes for the NAPD Most Wanted requirements).

-1 Legwork

-1 Lucky Find

+2 Quality Time

-2 Test Run

+1 Bookmark

-1 Clone Chip

+1 Plascrete Carapace

-1 Prepaid VoicePAD

+3 R&D Interface

So far, I have not had terrible performance with this deck. I had a couple of back to back GNK's I have taken her to. Each night was 3 rounds of swiss only. Both nights I had won half my games with 1 round being swept, another round splitting and final round sweeping them. In all rounds, but the one being swept, I won with Kate. Managed to get the rig out pretty fast and a few cards put on to bookmark and then levy and go go go.

Again thanks for the help everyone.