CodeMarvelous 20021

15 Aug 2014 tzukimi

I think Armitage Codebusting would be a must to help recover from Closed Accounts. Your breakers are very expensive to use.

15 Aug 2014 TheM00se

Lose the Darwin.

15 Aug 2014 wilk

Looks very similar to what I've been playing for a long time, albeit with Whizzard (I also had Darwin, but no Crypsis, which I was finding too expensive and click-intensive). I don't know if I'd run both (even if they provide additional milling opportunities in Noise). The economy looks tight, I think I'd go with Armitage Codebusting and/or Liberated Account.

24 Aug 2014 romanoSoprano

How about: -3 Crypsis, +1 Djinn (which would help dig for Crypsis), +2 Scrubbed (or Ice Carver)?

24 Aug 2014 romanoSoprano

(meant digging for Darwin ofc)