L4DY L1B3RT3 (Not Releasing you from this Mortal Coil)

Dread Sovereign 300

After Giving up on going for the kill (As per Usual), this deck was transformed to support the Four Advancement token side of things.

Here is What you need to know.

  1. Braintrust: Most people have come to expect four advances from jinteki, this has the advantage of only being three. While you are almost never going to trigger the ability , its good shell game tactic, and very easy to score.

  2. Fetal AI: This is arguably more Taxing than NAPD and doesn't suffer from being stupidly hard to score vs Valencia

  3. The Mix of Traps, because we are not going for the kille we don't need to run triple copies of every Jinteki Trap ect ect, we just need the runner to think we are, while these cards may slow down the runner effect wise. I think you will find the runner plays more cautiously after seeing a shi-kyu, a snare and shock.

  4. Mix of Sentries: I think the real Strength behind Jinteki is, they have so much variety in traps ect that its difficult to guess what you are going to hit, this Ice arrangement plays off of that, meaning the runner can't assume anything, potentially slowing them down.

  5. Orion and the Greenhouse, four advancements for a discount of 12 credits, yes please. This Piece of ice is perfect to score behind if you can get it down early game.

Other than that this deck does the normal Jinteki "Caprice into Nisei" "Nisei into Nisei" playstyle.

If anyone has anything to add to this deck, it would be really appreciated, this ID has next to no data and only a couple of Theories from people about how to play it, anything you can add would be great.