CT Turbo Stealth

moistloaf 174

been playing this lately. is your stealth deck faster? don't care. this one is pretty quick & fun & suits my playstyle

peddler & diesel help set up fast & cheap. hard cash is light so don't f*** it up. the trick is knowing what you can afford to lose off your peddlers. you will likely need to make some educated guesses about the corp deck. don't f*** it up

I know what you're thinking. BlacKat wtf? why not Lady I'll tell you why. i don't wanna play 2 dogs or scavenge. between inti atman d4vid & nre youll prob be fine anyway. and yes I know scavenge is prob p,good here but I don't have all day to test netrunner okay gimme a break

last thing, don't lose your gambles on peddler. FeelsBadMan. the FA match up isn't as bad as you think. play mimic if you want I even left you an influence you ungrateful punk. play film critic if you can find room. oh & you will almost definitely need your astrolabe so don't f*** that up either. kbye

28 Nov 2015 gammanet

my question comes as why not corroder, onle less influence, much cheaper install, realively same effectiveness

29 Nov 2015 moistloaf

@gammanet fair question & I'll tell you why. barriers I see at tables right now are wrap, spiderweb, Eli, himitsu, static, resistor, and curtain wall. inti+nre solves wrap himi resistor and spiderweb. atman 3/nre solves eli static. kat/nre is very efficient vs web/eli & handles curtain much better than corroder. all that said, corroder would be a fine swap, not gonna argue there

30 Nov 2015 hi_impact

@moistloafVery true on the barriers seeing play atm. I am seeing big success with my (much different) other deck running NRE + Battering Ram for influence reasons. NRE is also very good with Femme Fatale