
ItJustGotRielle 2970

Inspired by something co-designer Damon Stone said in passing in a Facebook comment, I built a deck designed to trash ice. Trash it everywhere. Keyhole is the inevitability of this deck; inbetween you and victory sits Keyhole, which you should use early on to trash ice. If you trash agendas early they will just get Jackson'ed back unless you run and steal them, which you really should not (except in instances of power agendas like ASPP) be doing early, because if you got in to Keyhole, you can break your way to R&D. If you can break your way to R&D, you should make sure you can KEEP breaking your way to R&D.

In the vein of Street Chess, this deck cycles Cache for money. Cache gives you 4 credits if you have a Grimoire out, and when your turn begins, 3 more. This means with Aesops and Grimoire out (which are NOT combo cards, since the entire deck depends on them/utilizes them) you are getting 6 credits for 1 click, and you only need 1 credit to punch the card and get the payoff. If you go through 2 early, Deja Vu them back (if necessary); With Crypsis out, Clone Chip a Cache out for that extra something to break unexpected ice. You can imagine the possibilities here.

D4V1D immediately appeared to me to fit a Crypsis deck perfectly, allowing you to save money on your Crypsis runs. D4V1D allows you to break a surprise Tollbooth for 3 credits, and will let you straight up walk through an Archer in a pinch at the cost of letting the 2-Credit subroutine fire. Breaks Grim, Viktor 2.0, etc. Anything below 5 Str can be Parasite food that your Ice Carver, Datasucker tokens, or even Scrubbed in a pinch can let you handle.

This deck has a theme, and that is Ice Destruction and strength-reducing for efficient runs. It is straight-forward, and requires experience to pilot well. Please look it over, pilot it a bit, and tell me what you think about how to improve it! Please leave your "But Stimhack said it's a bad card!" at the door. Enjoy!

17 Aug 2014 Myriad

I just want to say, thank you for fighting some of the group think and checking out some of the underplayed cards in the game right now. I will throw this together and give you my thoughts.

19 Aug 2014 TipsyGamer

This looks pretty similar to a deck I've been mentally tinkering with. I'm curious what your plans are if you run into Lotus Field or Wraparound (since a lot of the meta seems to be NBN or Jinteki). I'm planning on running Knight. You've got D4v1d for Wraparound, but it seems like it'd be a waste to me.

I'm also looking at Armitage and Daily Casts for economy, since both are markedly improved by including Aesop's.

Think once I grab the Spaces Between, I'll give both builds a try...