I still don't know how to use a Computer...

ikarugan1984 2

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So... essentially, I just started tooling around, and eventually I was like, "What if I tried to make The Twinning work in a post Flashpoint standard? What would that look like?" and also, I kept coming back to Hoshiko for various reasons and ended up with this. It's not THAT janky, and after almost a full evening of doing opening hand testings I've come to the conclusion that it just feels kind of comfy? How well it survives in the wild I dunno... (I suspect click taxing Corp decks like Thule Subsea: Safety Below will stall it or kill it.)

So essentially... you go for a run on turn one, preferably with a Dirty Laundry which enables you to install a few of your credit-hosters. If we're being greedy The Twinning on turn one is great, but it's not a deal breaker. If wondering "why don't I have XX or YY in there?" the answer is: I'm not planning on getting those sets next month. I already sunk £80+ on Netrunner this month alone, gimme a break here. So after you've gone for a run on an empty Archives or a cheeky R&D pull, Hoshiko invokes moon tiara magic or whatever it is, and now you get +1 card pull at the start of every turn. Okay, you're losing a credit each turn too, but hopefully you've got a few credit hosters to make your economy pretty stable for a while. Once you get DreamNet, Keiko and at least one companion running then you are basically an infinite money engine. Oh and Dreamnet is card draw as well. For breakers you have a Chameleon for when you've facechecked a piece of ice (which also helps you keep on top of Paladin Poemu getting too many credits), the Matryoshka is there to basically break subs for free once you have a couple of Cezve in play, unless you're hitting a remote server, in which case it can get expensive. Odore is hyper efficient as a killer once you have Mystic Maemi, The Twinning and Paladin Poemu all in play (or a DreamNet ) after that, you're just going "Man, I wish Cyberfeeder was still in standard, that would have been sweet." but those days be long gone sadly.

As for the DJ Fenris, it's up to you what to put in there, a Ele "Smoke" Scovak: Cynosure of the Net is a pretty good choice... if that wasn't about to go out of rotation, so that kind of leaves you bereft of options as an Anarch, since two available runners are banned (Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker and Liza Talking Thunder: Prominent Legislator ) So that just leaves Los: Data Hijacker, Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter and Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy as options. Of those, I'd probaby go Sable, as you want to be running EVERY TURN just to keep her in Super Saiyan Sailor Scout Mode anyway, so getting to do so for free on a central server (which Cezve wants you to do too) is ideal... and also I don't have Los, so that answers that.

As for win condition, my idea was: pump a load of tokens onto The Twinning and then play either a Finality or a Divide and Conquer. The former combined with Twinning can access an impressive 6 cards from R&D, whilst the latter, if you have 4 tokens on the twinning, can result in a run on Archives that can net you 3 pulls on R&D and the same amount on HQ. The only problem is getting enough tokens on The Twinning in the first place, since I really didn't feel like springing for some Flux Capacitor from Doc Brown and that would be the ONLY card in the deck you could use them on with no tutors so...no.

Again... lord knows how this will survive contact with the enemy, but it feels kind of comfy.