Blood and Gold

Jashay 715

So, shiny new Jinteki ID! I was initially working on a build that had all the bells and whistles, with things like Power Shutdown and Reuse to drop cards if needed, Jackson Howard to get them back, and a whole load of things that I didn't want trashed, like Melange Mining Corp. and suchlike. However, it always seemed to need a certain set of cards, none of which were in Jinteki, and none of which I had the influence for.

The rough plan I had for this iteration was to get three Hostile Infrastructure down and rezzed as fast as possible, using Executive Boot Camp to help expedite the process. The logic was that people who wanted to trash my stuff should have to pay loads of credits and then also take net damage.

What actually happened was that the trash cost and damage combined was simply too much to be worth the effort, especially when I had three Shock! and Caprice Nisei in and on archives. The only card that they really, really had to trash was Ronin, and the two in the deck was not enough to force hands.

The ICE could use some work; because I went all asset, your economy is quite weak in the early game. This is especially true if they trash the Sundews. I never really had the spare money to use the Chimera effectively, and a lot of my ICE took a bit of forward planning to rez. This was compounded by the fact that getting all three Hostile Infrastructure rezzed will cost me 15, barring slight discounts from Executive Boot Camp

The economy is solid late-game, but very suspect in the beginning. This could also use some work.

The core concept of the deck, the 3x Hostile Infrastructure play, is actually pretty awesome. I'm going to try and build a deck around that. I don't think that Industrial Genomics is the identity to run such a deck, though. Replicating Perfection seems like a better shout. But there's nothing quite as satisfying as a runner hitting a Snare! and not being able to trash it for fear of flatline.

Tl;dr: Economy is too slow early game, and your ability won't save you. Combining damage and taxing to trash pushes the cards beyond the point that a runner will sensibly go for them. The deck idea is sound, but IG isn't the identity for it.