Trans rights or I'll trans fights

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Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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trucy 30

Deck made at 11:45pm, 15 minutes before the submission deadline for the German nationals 2024.

Deck write-up :

Yeah I mostly wanted to do Shaper BS and do several actions before taking my first click. My priorities were:

  1. Have fun piloting the deck
  2. Win a game

I certainly did have fun piloting this, and I technically won a game while testing it at around 11pm.

some notes about some includes:

Tournament write-up

First meat space tournament. Let's list the facts:

  • Perfed 🅱️ottom 1
  • had a panic attack any some point, opponent and staff were absolutely stellar and helped me overcoming this, 10/10 would have a panic attack gaain
  • had troubles with the laundromat system at the hostel (it required a fucking APP)
  • played some netrunner until 1 am waiting for my laundry to be done
  • managed to play a grand total of 2 games in 3 hours due to non-stop shitposting
  • met some amazing netrunner players whom I can't wait to meet again at another tournament
  • discovered the joys of Apfelshorle (apple juice + sparkling water, note, dear reader, that I hate sparkling water)
  • had to pay my bar tab and restaurant bill in cash like we were in 1990
  • stayed up late at night, woke up late, missed my time slot to visit the Reichstag dome
  • I miss Apfelshorle
  • had the displeasure of dealing with the Deutsche Bahn, the "railway system" in Germany
  • never got misgendered once in 4 days there, got misgendered less than 10 minutes after setting foot in France, gg @ transphobia% speedrun
  • bought and got gifted amazing alt arts
  • had amazing games against even more amazing opponents, both in play style and in personality
  • got invited to several tournaments
  • the game is cool i guess

Netrunner, you come for the game, you stay for the community. published by

20 Aug 2024 Lukenukem

Had a blast meeting you, looking forward to catching up with you soon!

21 Aug 2024 Porkobolo

Howdy! I really liked the chitchat with you, also had the pleasure to play a game on the startup tournament! Sadly i'm now realizing that i haven't tried Apfelshorle, after this list i really want to taste it.

Cya soon!!!

21 Aug 2024 trucy

Can't wait to see you again, @Lukenukem! I can't believe we didn't play a game during this whole weekend...

@Porkobolo I wish I could say "see you at Italian nationals" but I won't be able to make it :( I'm keeping an eye on ANR for any tournament in the area! I'm glad my list convinced someone to try the Apfelshorle meta, if anything

22 Aug 2024 Watzlav

The laundromat in my building recently switched to an app… Oof, I really wanted to load it with rocks and run an extra spin cycle. But then again, I'd have to fuss with an app.

I hope you come back soon, if only to discover the joys of Rhabarberschorle.

22 Aug 2024 Council

discovered the joys of Apfelshorle (apple juice + sparkling water, note, dear reader, that I hate sparkling water)


Was so nice to meet you, hope to see you again at an event :)

22 Aug 2024 trucy

@Watzlav I usually don't like rhubarb, but I guess I'll have to try this next time!

@Council oh we will meet again, I'll always be running

24 Aug 2024 Atien

What a pleasure to meet you and talk with you, even if you che era in the ring way :P

14-15 settember there is a tournament near our home so if you want to come we can host you (but I’ve to say we have dogs and cats) 💙