Trans Rights! (10th @ French Nats 1-3)

Gathzen 446

First of all, I'd like to thank all the people who organized French Nats and to all my opponents. This was my first time playing in an event and my first time playing Standard in person, and I had an absolute blast!

This is my Corp decklist.


I've been playing almost entirely Arissana since release as I immediately fell in love with the ID (lore and gameplay) and have always been fascinated by Trojans, but they used to be pretty rough. However, I still don't feel like I'm good enough to pilot the deck correctly. I've been iterating on the same deck since release while trying out different cards from different decks that I've seen. In the end, it's a pretty normal looking Arissana list I would say.

  • I'm running 3 copies of LilyPAD and Urban Art Vernissage because I feel they are integral parts of the engine and I like to get them as early as possible.
  • I really enjoy being able to do a bunch of kickflips with Prognostic Q-Loop, so I put 2 in the deck but I'm not sure if I want to keep both.
  • I really enjoy Bahia Bands in Arissana as it allows for burst installs, which helps to charge Environmental Testing in addition to card draw. However, the 2c play cost feels quite bad when you are struggling to find your econ cards.
  • One of the last changes I did was to go up from 45 to 47 cards by adding 2 Daily Casts as I was feeling that the deck lacked econ. I think being at 45 would be better for the consistency of drawing into Lily or UAV, but I don't know what to cut.
  • I tested out both K2CP Turbine (which was the version I started on) and Takobi, but I am still not sure what version I prefer.


Sadly, I didn't do very well with this deck. I lost all except for one of my games with it, contrary to my Corp deck that went undefeated. Even if I was more confident in this one and had a lot more practice. I would have loved to go into a deep explanation and dive into what worked and didn't work but, when I got home I realized that my deck was missing its 3 copies of LilyPAD. I did find it strange that in 4 games I didn't draw any copies of it since I was running 3 but as I am used to being quite unlucky in Netrunner I didn't think too much about it. I want to apologize to my opponents and TOs for that, thankfully the only game I won was in round 4, so I doubt that affected who got into the top cut. I shouldn't beat myself up too much for that since it was my first tournament.
Because of this, I don't know if I should do any changes based on the games I played.

Possible changes

All the changes I will talk about might not be necessary if I had my console, but I did feel a lack of setup power and I felt like I was quite low on econ.

The early Q-Loop didn't really help when I didn't have econ. It's also very good when LilyPAD is installed, so getting it before you have one installed doesn't feel great. So I might consider going down to 1 copy. Not sure where to spend the influence. Some options are Fermenter, Liberated Account, extra copies of Pinhole Threading, or Hush.

I would also be interested in bumping up Sure Gamble and Creative Commission to 3ofs to have more consistent turn 1s, but I'm not sure if this is necessary if I was better at piloting the deck.

Adding back some amount of Diesel is also something I'm considering.

Getting down to 45 would also be great, so I will need to cut some cards. Some of the options I have considered are:

  • Simulchip: I never felt like having 3 was necessary as the games were usually over before that mattered, in addition this means I would get them quite early and that can be helpful if no UAV show up or to have protection against Rigshooter. However, drawing them in the first 2 turns can be a bit rough unless you need to charge an Environmental Testing.
  • Kyuban: I've seen a few recent decks only running 2, but I'm less sure about this as cutting one would mean drawing into it less consistently in the early-game and being more vulnerable to the Corp over-installing their ICE. Also, I don't really want to use an SMC to get one if I need a cheap Trojan to bounce with UAV. Having the flexibility of the third one also allows the option of using it as a target for Simulchip if no programs were trashed, while still feeling ok because you have two more in the deck/hand/installed.

Not to sure what else I could cut.

If you read this far, thank you very much! This is my first time posting decks. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

2 Oct 2023 Baa Ram Wu

Great write up!