That's Kate's Theory (5th Place Louisville Regionals)

Flashfires 536

This is the runner deck I took to the Louisville event that took place this reason. It focuses on a combination of speed and bigrig to keep pressure on throughout the whole game. Mopus gives you all the Econ you will need and the combination of tutors and draws lets you power out the other pieces to your rig. I usually spend my first tutor on Mopus if it isn't in my opening draw, as it is really the foundation the deck is built on. Femme and the targeted breakers like Sharpshooter are there to help you maximize the efficiency of your runs creditwise.

Legwork and Account Siphon provide a strong way to make single HQ runs count and to pressure both HQ and R&D. It sort of surprised me, but Siphon kept catching people off-guard during the day allowing me to capture some unexpected ground in otherwise even games. Legwork is even shinier then I expected. More than one of my games were won off the back of this card.

One of the unusual choices this deck was the inclusion of Pipeline, as well as the choice to stick to 46 cards. Having only Femme as a sentry breaker was continually a drawback during testing, and adding pipeline gave me a much cheaper way to deal with things like Guard and Komainu/Tsurugi. It also acted as a downpayment on my Femme later if I drew into Scavenge and Femme before Test Run. I ended up at 46 cards to keep 3 copies of Dinosaurus in. Getting a sentry breaker onto it just helps significantly.

I think the most amusing game of the event for this deck was against a Redcoats HB player, where I ended up with nearly 100 credits in a money war to end all money wars. The corp player ended up one turn from milling out with an AP score of 6-4 my favor before I ran the remote to force a Caprice rez to trash the currently rezzed Caprice on HQ so I could legwork the hand for the game winning points.

Across the course of the day the deck went 4-2 in Swiss and 1-2 in elimination. Losses during swiss were to Jinteki RP and HB:ETF FA. Losses during elimination were to NBN rush/scorch. The losses against NBN felt very much like a coin flip as I couldn't rigup faster than they could Astrotrain thanks to the new Fast Track, the game where I beat NBN I was able to prevent the first Astro score. NBN games were the few games where having Gordian instead of ZU Keymaster hurt me for sure, as the extra 3 credits didn't really buy me anything. The deck was able to beat HB:ETF FA (a list nearly identical to my corp list for this event as my friend and I played very similar decks) and Redcoats, NBN Rush, Tennin Never Advance, Weyland Powershutdown + AD over the course of the day.

11 Jun 2014 KingOfOdonata

Ah, I remember playing against you in the Top 16. You knocked me out ;) I was only able to get to 4 points as NBN. You had me locked down pretty hard with Account Siphon recursion and such, especially Indexing. I definitely need to work on my game against such a deck. The utility in your deck is fantastic though.

12 Jun 2014 Flashfires

Hey! Good to hear from you. I enjoyed our game, as it was the only one against NBN I won in the elimination rounds. >.