Dragon Chow

FarCryFromHuman 113

It's highly unlikely this will pan out, but the idea is to use Wyrm and The Personal Touch in combination with Parasite recusion to eat away little pesky ICE, while using Study Guide to break anything big. The R&D Interface suite is to provide R&D lock as a secondary win condition/source of pressure.

Notable choices:

Magnum Opus adds 1 strength to your Study Guide permanently for a single .

The Toolbox does great work with both Wyrm and Study Guide.

Kraken is a little win-moreish, but can let you turn successful R&D digs into tempo hits for the corp. It's great for trashing big multi-sub ICE, or anything you are afraid to face-check. Unlike Parasite, it doesn't require its target to be rezzed (with the trade-off being the play condition and the corp's control over the target). Sucks to accidentally waste it on something like a Quandary, but great if you hit a Komainu, etc.

Modded is there to help pad the tempo loss from installing all your hardware, and to help you make room in your hand as you don't want to be chucking much into the heap before you use it.

Tyson Observatory and Replicator are such a good combo in hardware decks that they warrant inclusion. Tyson lets you get your one-off hardware when you really need it, or when you open a window to install it. Replicator does the opposite, letting you quickly draw into your duplicate hardware.

Déjà Vu, Same Old Thing, Levy AR Lab Access and Clone Chip have many uses, but are the core of your Parasite recursion. A somewhat upgraded Study Guide lets you face-check a piece of ice every turn, still complete the run, and immediately hit it with a Parasite and eat it with Wyrm. If you have to kill the ICE before you hit it, you can do it with SMC and Wyrm, but it's expensive.

Questions and concerns:

I know you can activate icebreakers whenever you have a paid ability window, but I'm not sure you can target ICE outside a run. If you can't, then you aren't able to use Wyrm to kill ICE outside a run, which makes this concept significantly more wobbly. Still workable I feel.

There's no HQ pressure other than melting away the ICE in front of it. I can't even squeeze in a Utopia Shard.

You can probably sort out that I don't have enough of an idea what kind of econ I want to run; I've got The Toolbox, Professional Contacts and Magnum Opus in the same deck. Something probably needs to give, but I haven't played this yet so I look to the wisdom of others.

I'm not sure how much this deck cares about locking down R&D. It might be viable just to run Chakana and then sit back and snipe agendas whenever they come up. Either way, I think Film Critic will be a lot of fun here (and in all decks).

Hayley was a thought originally, just because she compresses set up time. You'd run a single Comet for setting up, and eventually upgrade to The Toolbox. You'd need a real breaker suite though.

This might be doable in Anarch.

Wish List:

Film Critic!

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Inti and/or Femme Fatale?
