Falling Turtles

silenus 7

Turtles!!!! Try to get one or two or three out early, most people underestimate them and wont trash them. PAD Campaign and Marked Accounts to get you started if they do indeed trash early on. Idea is to get some kind of small drip econ going while you slow advance agendas with early premiere.

Bounce back whatever you need from the archives with Team Sponsorship (or bring it out from HQ), if you see a window put down another agenda to score again next turn.

You dont really want to be protecting remotes, except maybe your scoring server, and blacklist if you dig that out. Ice is low, meant to be taxing. ELP disincentivizes runs on remotes.

Jackson is really there to sort out agenda flood issues (which is rare), and lack of ice (which is common). You can do some tricky stuff with the bounce back of course.

The real kicker is Tech Startup, hits turtles on the way down, when it triggers, and when its bounced by sponsorship it starts again. Its common to have 3 turtles down, then still get 9+ credits on a turn where you score an agenda.

Keeping runners out reliably is a problem, you'll have to experiment with what ice you like in the deck I think. Keep an eye on the runners cash to do sneaky things with Red Herrings, NAPD, and RSVP.

27 Oct 2015 silenus

My latest version is like this:

-3 Priority Requisition

+3 Global Food Initiative, runner has to steal 4 agendas

-1 Encryption Protocol a few of these do slow down people who try to keep up in trashing, but one does not do much

-2 Enhanced Login Protocol a remnant from my old HB deck where I was attempting to tax clicks rather than money

-1 Uroboros, maybe swap back in for a tollbooth? This deck needs 2 or 3 big ice, but tollbooth has the advantage of taxing.

+2 Swordsman to handle Faust shenanigans

+2 Cyberdex Virus Suite