On The Job From 9 to 5

Cannister 484

Just Keep Working

This deck is named because you easily and often be playing turns during which you spend 5 to 9 clicks, although the upper ceiling on how many clicks your turns are is actually much higher than 9. It's kind of gross, but fun!

This deck is very similar to past Jeeves FA sports decks and other similar Sports decks, but now better because Wage Workers is insane (and Pivot is very nice). I may add more detail to the lines for people who are unfamiliar with the combo potential in the future.

At the most basic, this deck can use Biotic to score a 3/2 or 3/1 from hand, but that's not generally the game plan unless you're winning the game.

Wage Workers combos very nicely with operations that grant clicks, and this deck has them in spades. If you, for example, play a Greasing the Palm to install a Vitruvius, then a Red Level Clearance to install a wage workers (and rez it) and gain a click, then a Subliminal that is 3 operations that will trigger Wage Workers to give you an extra click. You've spent 3 clicks and gained 3 back. You can then advance the Vitruvius 3 times, and now Wage Workers triggers again granting you the 4th click needed to over-advance a 4th time and now you have a power counter on Vitruvius. Oh and you get to trigger Sports.

Restore can be slotted in to the above combo in place of Greasing the Palm to get the wage workers on the board from Archives and it still acts as one of the 3 operations needed to fire Wage Workers.

You can use all of the extra clicks you're gaining to score multiple agendas in one turn, score a Vitruvius with 2 counters on it (enabling future huge combo turns as you play biotics or audacitys from archives), or score multiple agendas out of hand.

Here's a silly (yet actually plausible) example: Let's say you start your turn with the following:

  • 1 Vitruvius counter

  • 6 credits

  • The following cards in hand - Subliminal, Wage Workers, RLC, Greasing x2, two 3/2 agendas, Biotic Labor, an Audacity, and either a rashida on the table or 3 more cards in hand (yes this is an 9-12 card hand, but between spin doctor, Rashida, RLC, and your ID you can find yourself here, honestly).

You play: 1. Subliminal

  1. RLC installing Wage Workers

  2. Greasing to install a 3/2 (Wage Worker Triggers)

  3. Advance the 3/2

  4. Advance the 3/2

  5. Advance the 3/2 (Wage Worker Triggers, Score the 3/2, ID Fires gets you 2 credits)

  6. Biotic

  7. Greasing to install the 2nd 3/2

  8. Biotic again from archives with the Vit Counter

  9. Audacity for 2 more counters pitching the last 3 cards in hand

  10. advance the agenda (Score)

...and you've scored out 4 points in hand without a Wage Workers even on the board to start the turn. With two Vit counters or the WW on the board this example becomes much less theoretical and much more practical.

Worried about Clot? Installing and rezzing a Mavirus mid combo either with greasing the palm or restore will solve that problem most of the time.

Hyperloops and Offworlds keep the money going when the ID and Rashidas aren't enough to keep the combo going.

But what if you pre-install your precious workforce and they get trashed? Well, just rez an Ablative Barrier on a run and back they come! Also Restore as mentioned above. Also Drafter can help bring them back if it fires.

I think if you're playing against this deck you can never leave a Wage Workers on the table alive, and you have to aggressively hunt them down to trash them. Stargate also hurts this deck a LOT.

Check out Episode 9 of The Process ANR where they explain many combos Wage Workers can turn on. Listening to them inspired me to put together a list and upon poking around nrdb I discovered this largely had been done to great effect in the past as mentioned above.

3 Aug 2023 AnOddRadish

I’d love to see a breakdown of the combos, I wasn’t playing when Jeeves was around :)

3 Aug 2023 holzpubbnsubbe

Just a reminder you can't install a Vitruvius with a RLC and gain a click back ;)

3 Aug 2023 Cannister

@holzpubbnsubbe Doh, right - I was in a hurry to do the write up and just publish the list. I've swapped the order of Greasing the Palm to install the Vitruvius and RLC to install the wage workers, so now the example works. Thanks!